The following objectives were revised by the IBF committee in July 1995.

  1. To foster spiritual fellowship among the Indian Brethren sojourning in the United States and Canada
  2. To encourage and edify the believers through systematic teaching of God’s inerrant word.
  3. To minister to the ever growing spiritual needs of the young people and help build healthy relationships in their homes.
  4. To stimulate involvement of Indian Brethren living in the US and Canada by raising their level of awareness regarding the Gospel work in India
  5. To provide a forum for the Lord’s Servants from India to challenge the Indian believers to pray more effectively for the specific needs of the field of their labor.
  6. To help the development and nurturing of spiritual gifts among the Indian Brethren
  7. To impart timely spiritual truths to various age groups with a view to build them up in the most holy faith.